Category Archives: ME/CFS

Vitamin B6 for ME/CFS: Works for me

Recent research suggests that levels of vitamin B6 in the gut distinguish sufferers of ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis, aka chronic fatigue syndrome) from healthy people. “Good enough!” says I, “I’ll give it a shot.”

First, though, I looked for information on the most effective form and dosage. Here’s what I found: Continue reading

Low cell metabolism plagues ME/CFS sufferers

Myalgic encephalomyelitis, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS, is a disease of many mysteries. Even the most fundamental questions remain unanswered: how does ME/CFS develop, and how can patients recover?

Researchers across the globe are addressing different aspects of this enigma. They seek to uncover a fundamental disruption that underlies the array of symptoms – or at least to identify an exclusive test result, or biomarker, that a general practitioner could use in making a diagnosis. Some labs focus on immune function, others on the gut microbiome, aerobic energy, or brain inflammation, among others.

Promising results are common, but two recent studies of cell metabolism have garnered special attention for their potential in both aiding diagnoses and explaining what goes wrong. Continue reading

Riding an electric bike with ME/CFS

Recently I rented an electric bicycle and rode it for three hours and twenty-seven miles. That was too much for me, but I’m excited about the bike for shorter rides. I thought I’d share my experience in case others with relatively moderate ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis, aka chronic fatigue syndrome) are considering buying one. Continue reading

What it’s like to ride an electric bike

specialized-turboRecently, the Wife and I visited Lancaster County, PA – aka Amish country – and decided to take a self-guided bike tour around the farmland. This was possible, despite my chronic illness, because Intercourse Bike Works rents electric bikes. I rode a Specialized Turbo, taking it up and down rolling hills along smoothly paved country roads. Three hours and twenty-seven miles later, I’m practically an expert. Continue reading

Best overview on ME/CFS

Medscape has published an excellent article that stands out as a review of knowledge, debates, and plans regarding myalgic encephalomyelitis (aka chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalopathy): “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Wrong Name, Real Illness.” Of course, there’s more out there, but I highly recommend it as the best introduction to this spectrum of disorders. (Plus, my doctor gets quoted a few times.)

Generic Valcyte for ME/CFS: Available, insured

If you’ve been spending enormous sums of money to obtain Valcyte (valganciclovir) for myalgic encephalomyelitis, aka chronic fatigue syndrome, you might check again with your pharmacy and insurer. Suddenly, two companies have begun selling generic versions of this drug on the U.S. market. They received FDA approval out of the blue in late 2014.

Your insurer might cover the generic even if it won’t pay for brand-name Valcyte. That’s what happened in my case. Instead of sending almost $1800 per month to, now I’ll pay $15 per month to a U.S. pharmacy. Continue reading